Saturday, May 1, 2010

Point of view

My point of view is my . . .
"Stop hitting me and shut the screen down"

I hate how i feel right now, do you know why? I'll tell you why, because Firas always slams my body around and freezes my screen. Then about the things that I smell are the kitchen and it's cooking and I smell lots of foo because Firas and his sister always get any kind of food that they want then after they finish without cleaning their hands sometimes they touch part of my body.
Later on the thine that I can see are for example when Firas does his science home work or maybe other thing that he does, and he also talks a lot he talks like a DG radio.
Then at night I sleep sometimes for 24 hours or less I also sometimes sleep during the day, and I'm also the smartest in the house and i also have lots of parts in my body that sometimes get hurt or damaged.

"So this is who i am from the inside but do you know who I am from the outside??"

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Perfolio- Letter

Dear mom, 15,April.2010

Thanks for coming to my conference today, in this conference I’m going to yell you all the things that I did this year, months, and weeks, that’s about every thing that I going to show, tell, and present to you.

In a summary the things that are in my portfolio for example in E.S.L I have my quizzes and tests in a one section, my projects another section, and then my book reports in another section from my binder. Then there a section called [Other], I put my other subjects in it like for example: math, science, Choir, or any other things like Health, Web-Design, or maybe P.E, so I guess that’s my organization for it. Then there are the SLR’s they are the lead of my school year, they helped my grade and myself and they are:

1. Thinking Creatively

2. Reason Critically

3. Communicate Effectively

4. Collaborate Constructively

5. Learn Enthusiastically

6. Live Ethically

The things that gave me a some challenges are: my grades, because when I started the year I first had a bad grade, then after some good hard work it raised the grades up as a grade that is good and as a grade that I can pass in, so that was one of the things that I made a success at this year, that I really wanted to do. Then the most important thing are my goals and they are: to be a good student and a citizen, to learn the greatest education that I have at the greatest school ever, so those two goals are the most goals that I want to success at.

Then the whole thing is that I am going to tell you how I am doing and what level I am at, as well as how I’m good/Bad at my subjects.

And thank you again for coming to my conference.

Your child: Firas Hariri

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Quiz about Crispin

Crispin is a main character that we know in a book called (Crispin), he is a thirteen-year-old boy who is being haunted by the village because they think that he broke into the lord’s house that is (Lord Furnivall) and stole some schillings from him but the truth is that he didn’t. They call him a wolf’s head because of what they think he did (is that he stole money from the lord) but he actually didn’t, when Crispin’s mom Asta was alive she always told him that he died from sickness from the dieses called the plague but I’m still curios about where he’s going and where he is going to do? The thing that I think is that he is going to meet a friend or someone and then he is going to look for his father and a lot of great stories will happen at that time.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

The Red Tree

The thing that i got from the story that their are lost of things in life that everyone can think about, like being sad, happy, or just the way you are. Then how you feel or act in life but I kind of didn't get that part and some of the story.

What would you put in the tree?
The thing that i would put is all kind of pen and pencils, a sketch book, notebook, and all the things that I will need for writing and drawing, because I like writing and drawing it make me feel (ENTHUSIASTIC)

Then for example this picture I some times feel that when I'm lonely or sometimes when I don't do my home work or any thing like that.

Other wise I would feel vary happy and that i have all the power and I would go on with my life.

And I would recommend this book to any person because the author shows you how people feel and how the person feel so that's why i would recommend this book and this author.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Mr. Linden's Library

What happened to Sarah? Did someone see her? Did someone hear about her? Lets go and ask Henry.

My friends and I went to see Henry at his house, he was at his room so we went up to him, then he told us the story:
One day Sarah told Henry that she was going to the Library to pick a new book to read.

After than Sarah and I went to Mr:Linden's library- Mr-Linden is the owner of the library, and a friend of Sarah. Then he said that when Sarah and him were looking they found a book, Sarah and I thought it was great, and we kind of felt it was GLOWING!"."Then we borrowed it but when we were going out of the library Mr:Linden told us that it was no good but we didn't care, then I walked Sarah house. And after then I never saw her again"

After two weeks we saw Sarah again so we went to her and we asked her what happened and she answered: she first asked us "did Henry tell you what happened at first"and we said"yes!" so she started her story "After I went to my house and rad some pages, then slept"

Then one of my friends said"Yes yes, what happened next?"
And Sarah continued on"but then the problem was that when I woke up I saw my self in a place like no other it was, it was, horrible!!!! But I just closed my eyes and said that it's going to be okay. But after than something was chasing me so I started running, faster, and faster every time".

Then their was silent, and she said"Then their was light ahead of me!, so I ran as fast as I could, and I went out of that horrible place and went back to my bed room, and that's all I can say"

Then after that when Sarah finished her story we went to the mall, and hanged around but we were still afraid of the story that Sarah said.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

How I can be responible & respect at te 3rd trimester

I can be more responsible by: Listening to my teachers when their talking & turn in my home work on time, & when their is a quiz or test coming up I will have to prepare my self & d every thing I can do so I can get a good grade.

I can be more respectful by: When a teacher is talking I should stay quite & not disturb them,let them feel that I'm interested & not do anything that they don't like while their talking. So I don't let them feel that I'm board from their talking.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Girl With Green Shawl

This is the photo that steve mccurry took in Peshawar, Pakistan, at 2002

  • The background was a little bit blurry I think they didn't want to show it.

  • Their is a green scarf that she is wearing.

  • Bluish/gray eyes.

  • A little mud around her face.

  • Some hair is visual.

  • Sadness in her eyes.

  • Mouth shows no apparent emotion.

  • Ovelish round face.

  • seems to be wearing an orange shirt.

when I 1st sow it looked like someone I know so I choosed it, like I said the feelings of her eyes were like she was sad or something.

Then after many years steve mccurry found her again and took a picture of her, but I didn't get any information because we had to go but I wanted to get some info.